April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers
Continuing with our social distancing, we went into the month of April. The first few weeks of the month began with finishing our elevator talks in environmental signaling in medicine. The final elevator talks marked the begging of the end of our time in the masters program at Tulane School of Medicine. With the peak of spring, we celebrated Easter a bit differently this year. It was nice to be home and reconnect with my family. In the final weeks of April, I presented for my last time in Advances in Pharmacology. Lastly, we took our last cellular control mechanisms test. The test covered a wide range of topics like T-cell immunotherapy, New Concept in Endocrine Signaling, Calcium and Cancer and Stroke & Mitochondria. We have learned so much over this year and I’m sad it’s coming to an end. I’ve enjoyed expanding my knowledge in field I truly enjoy. I feel like time has really flown by this year. I’m going to miss all the faculty and my fellow peers. Now, I am preparing to take the MCAT and on the job hunt. I can’t believe the time has finally arrived! I am applying to medical school in June to hopefully be accepted to the 2021 academic year. I look forward to seeing what will come of May and onward. 

Signing off for now,
Southern Pharm 


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