A New Orleans Fright

       New Orleans is known for many things, the month of October being one of them. The changing of the weather notes a subtle view shift. For me and my fellow peers in the Pharmacology program at Tulane School of Medicine, the fall change led a new perspective on the human body. Instead of broad view like antibiotics, which looked at treating microorganisms, we have begun to isolate a specific organ - the heart. Thinking in terms of physiology of the heart can be somewhat of a fright to me activating my sympathetic nervous system. Going through, the various pharmacology and physiology of the heart has led me to develop a better understanding of the system as a whole. Beta blockers, for example, have become a key drug in the past modules. Learning how they impact specific receptors has enhanced my view of the heart.
            With October coming to an end, the cardiac system has begun to follow. However, drugs in one module often carryover to another and this has occurred throughout the past modules. In particular, infective endocarditis recently correlated with treatment with antibiotics, a previous module. Many concepts have been built on and laid a foundation or our success in future systems. Albeit, understanding the basics of pharmacology has greatly impacted understanding each module. The overlap and connections help to provide a larger view on drug interactions and how the impact the body overall. 
            The highlight of the month was being able to see the drugs used in a clinical scenario. I’m glad to have been afforded the opportunity to have a cardiologist come in and do a live simulation. Some new teaching methods have also been employed like JiTT (just in time teaching), CBL and TBL (team based learning) providing a different approaching to learning some more complex topics. Now, we look forward to the cool fresh air as we head towards the next month in the pulmonary system. I have yet to complete a service opportunity. But with cool gust of winds, leads the sails towards a specific volunteer experience that I have been anticipating in November. What does this close-to-heart experience entail? You will have to check back in November to find out.

Southern Pharm
Service Total: Coming Soon in November!


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